“Baring vulnerability through powerful hip hop catharsis, This amazing track by Southern California rapper Multifaceted Monster and U. K. artist Millie Blooms, “Rains It Pours” captures addiction’s process in an intimate but potent way. Monster’s lyrical message conveyed in the song is powerful and communicates his life of pain and his ability to prevail. His passion makes the audiences contemplate on humanity’s vulnerability we all share. Blooms adds the angelic harmonies which brighten up the darkness, and her assertive voice on the chorus. Their revealed vulnerabilities make the song powerful, and sincere, both qualities that portray the realities of life.

This non-imposing rhythm lets the performers shine through at their best. Monster runs easily and smoothly into fluid pockets without any hindrance. How they interact intensifies the song’s beauty and results in an release of emotion. This higher purpose builds on an already impressive synergism to a level of mission that seeks to help disadvantaged communities. To anyone who has somehow touching the intricate process of connecting to addiction, the song demonstrates compassion through realist’s narrative and Monster’s story.

Monster also turns personal experiences into a source of inspiration for the others through philanthropic activities. Engaging with charitable organizations is one of the facets that reveal how music possesses the power to heal as people come forward in their brokenness knowing that they will be strengthened by the community. A radical example of hip hop and its meaning is reflected in his controversy instigating work. For the reflective listener, “Rains It Pours” is a portrait of life in all its layered and breakable beauty set to towering songwriting.

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