Placing limits above, Moon and Aries is an exquisite musical safe haven where the Canadian vocalist finds her refuge in Tom Aries German’s producer’s support. Virtual gathering of two musicians despite the geographic barriers represents their cultural diversity which is not just confined by the Atlantic Ocean but has actually attracted people from all over the world. Tom’s ethereal like dreamscapes with analog synths complement Jordana’s musical creativity and sonorous lyrics generously decorated with thought-provoking concepts. Their unique blend of electronic, pop, trip-hop and soul brings to life whole bodies of work like “The Arrival,” “Paradise” and “Break the Matrix.” The fact that Jordana draws her inspirations from neo-soul music in her voice while Tom applies his classical knowledge with 80s musical style makes Moon and Aires a path to liberation from the gravity of the world to reach a higher consciousness

Moon & Aries have roused a flaming win with their latest “Firenight.” Jordana Moon’s otherworldly singing transfixes us from the get-go, her hypnotic and yet deep emotion-rich delivery somehow warming us up without being warm in place. Her remarkable vocal range which is powerful as well as breath-taking fits perfectly in the religious-like atmosphere of the music.

The subtle soundscaping in Tom Aries’ music is like a PhD course in creating an engaging environment. Shimmering synths and dark grooves blend together smoothly, the fusion providing a gateway to the galaxies. The sound is both perfectly tight and loose at the same time; every luxurious instrumental flourish is enhanced, while the voice can jump out.

“Firenight” is an amazing journey of the audio, as its hooks swoon us while its positive ambiances fill our souls with indelible imprints. An astounding supplement to Moon and Aries’ ever growing and annexing music collection.

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