“Alex McArtor Owns the Night with Empowering Pop Triumph ‘In The Dark'” – LA based indie artist Alex McArtor confidently steps into the spotlight on the new wave inspired ‘In The Dark. ’ Benny Cassette’s Grammy nominated production work on synths provides the perfect backdrop for McArtor’s sultry voice. To me, the rich melody and the pulsing beat worked their magic right from the start, taking me right into the late night setting that informed Alex’s poetic lyrics.

ALEX MCARTOR found inspiration for “In the Dark” while strolling through the streets of Paris late at night, immersed in the music of Roxy Music and the Cars . In the vocal performance, she brings soulful expression and dynamics to the lyrics that are about female strength and liberation from negativity. That is why industry insiders have been praising Alex’s talent for years. She has an incredible stage presence and the lyrical content of her songs, which makes the listener focus on her from beginning to end. With the help of Benny Cassette, the talents are brought to the foreground and polished to the maximum.

Already known for her enchanting voice and polished songwriting, “In The Dark” confirms that the academic praise was fully deserved. Alex takes her position in the pop scene and comes out with a confident bang that is quite irresistible to this writer. Alex McArtor is from the city of angels’ LA music scene, and with each powerful track, she shines even brighter. Indeed, it is not difficult to predict that major success is inevitable for her – she has that certain something that can only be described as enchanting. This is my expectation from this extremely gifted artist who was born to rock the night.

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