Eddie Witz and The Most High weave a spell of liquid sunshine over their instruments, inviting listeners on a feel-good journey of self-discovery with their song “In California.” The lyrics are penned in a pop-rock style, and Witz’s singing conveys the highs and lows of life with passion, reflecting knowledge that was gained from difficulties faced.

Eddie’s abilities are doubled by the musicianship of The Most High which enhances the depth, dimensions and emotions of each and every verse just like the tide shifting at a slight angle. Altogether, they construct not just songs, but enchantments — weaving symphonies that elevate the spirit as the rosy hue of the Golden State elevates the spirit. New revelations of the woven fabrics are revealed like treasures hidden in seashells repeating themselves through replays. One upon another revealing themselves as layers, like sand slowly moving beneath the tides’ suction, “In California” gives an early sneak preview of what to expect from Witz’s first debut album “I Am What I Am” to be released in the coming months.

In the unsaid grows lyrics that resonates as silence following the spoken, which the heart stirs as its own. In California” does not leave the audience with the impression that the breakers’ rhythm is not always to be felt, heard, and embraced in the inner shores, regardless of the outward storms. To those souls akin, those friends and loved ones who have journeyed to the crossroads of our lives, taken the risks, embraced the twists and turns, and met the strangers along the way, these notes may serve as shelter. When artists give gifts of creative communion, divisions also fade – a demonstration of music’s function of rebirth in what seasons diminish.”In melding transcendent musicality with introspective lyricism, Eddie Witz and The Most High’s ‘In California’ stands as a captivating artistic statement heralding great things to come on the full-length ‘I Am What I Am.'”

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