“Maddy Carty Sets the Musical Agenda with Incendiary Anthem ‘Not A Fan'” – In this new scalding track, the UK’s Maddy Carty demonstrates she is the agent of change she sings about. Carty’s powerful and emotional singing is delivered over a beat made for anger. Her melody and rhythm are full of a powerful message as she condemns the clichéd obstacles that female artists still face. With gritty sophistication, “Not A Fan” was created in collaboration with Alex Bayly; every aspect of the track is designed to spread its hot message as far as possible.

As far as I am concerned, few artists use their art as a weapon of change in society like Carty does. In “Not A Fan,” she pillages the arsenals of pop, soul and Neo soul, to create a militant sound that is both r&b and undeniably pop. With her powerful words and even more powerful voice, Carty makes sure that this song will ignite and grow like a wildfire and there will be very little that the haters can do about it. Already praised for adding dimensions to each word and every note and beat, with this explosive opus, Carty takes her art and her message to a whole other level. It brands her as a pioneer calling for change through music only with the help of songs and lyrics.

In an industry that still seems to view women’s talents as an add-on, Carty fights the fight for gender equality through passion and anger. Given that “Not A Fan” has laid down the gauntlet and more freedom songs on the horizon, Maddy Carty is an unchallenged force of artistic rebellion. She seems to be a daring pioneer ready to change the views by means of provocative performance that is free of restraint. Sometimes, voices like hers tell the truth in flames, and because of that, the future is brighter for her fighting on the front lines of change. Music requires more radicals like Carty to provoke the required change.

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