Julia Kate has burst into the industry with her single “Fake Friends,” showcasing her as a new pop singer to keep an eye on. Different from most of her peers, the 20 year old Kate effortlessly combines nostalgic elements with delicate genuineness, forming a boiling pot of high energy attitude. “Fake Friends” is further elevated though with Kate’s authenticity, making the track drip with her heartfelt emotions.

The single starts off strong, with powerful synth slashes accompanied by between-the-beat drums. This reveals that Kate doesn’t plan on making things easy for listeners. Her vocals are so powerful that they instantly capture your attention. This attention is further grasped by her self-amplifying confidence, which is clear in her alluring Debbie Harry attitude. It’s beyond easy to envision her glaring with a neon angered pout while shouting “all I know is fake friends make me feel so alone.” This highlights how her powerful vocals and emotional delivery truly take the spotlight in the song.

Though “Fake Friends” does pay homage to new wave music, Kate’s honesty and melody ensure her words are relatable in modern times. On the production side, the song is an exercise in achieving balance, as programmed beats establish a strong rhythmic backbone while not drowning out Julia’s powerful vocals. It is a good blend which lets her switch from airy croons to a snarling attitude in a heartbeat while the synths catch and release in catchy rhythm.

As much as “Fake Friends” can be an entertainingly nostalgic lark, it works so well because of how seamlessly Julia is able to blend her various influences into a singular cohesive piece. It seems like she has just started tapping on the door to her potential as an innovative genre synthesizer and a mesmerizing storyteller. For pop/rock fans who are tired of an incessant barrage of mindless, overproduced radio content, “Fake Friends” serves as a refreshing reminder that the genre still has some exciting facets when approached with new ideas and creative energy. And for Julia Kate’s contemporaries what’s more, it’s one of the most confident, multifaceted debut statements you are likely to hear anytime soon.

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