In a landscape that too often emphasises surface appreciation Rita Mercury’s latest offering ‘Hurricane (Reimagine’d)’ reveals how raw emotion, and the purest artistic vulnerability still compel us. What is so haunting about this ballad is the way in which Rita’s vocals are both fragile, yet resolute, ebbs and flows with the turbulence of a love affair, it’s melodies and rhythms mirroring the tempestuous journey of the human heart; from the opening notes. It’s a sonic landscape that’s delicate and filled with thumping bass, like the intimate dance itself, all acoustic guitar and piano caressing each other in the gentlest of ways.

It’s lyrically deep what really sets “Hurricane (Reimagined)” apart. Rita’s words are a master class in how to tell the story through easily painted strokes of passionate love, devotion and the bitter sweet ache of a soul binding. From storm wound horizon her metaphors are bold and hued to lose you in a naturalist storm of love’s triumphs and tribulations, but a current of hope runs strong under the tempest giving the track a feel of a resilience acheiving a wisdom hard won. Rita’s story is of one that survived love’s fiercest gales, battered but unblemished, only to find new beauty springs from the dullest of places — the scalps of life’s worst storms.

Some era of disposable, algorithmically crafted pop confections, “Hurricane (Reimagined)” is defiant proof that true artistic endeavour is still making a place in the modern musical landscape. For those who yearn for depth in the human emotional experience, or just respite from the jejune shores of the mainstream, Rita Mercury has produced an emotional tackling work, a song that must be felt, not heard, and in this state ‘Hurricane (Reimagined)’ is an epic that you will entrust yourself to again and again. And beckon your ears unto the voice of Rita Mercury; siren song of the perfect storm of passion.