When artists return to their original musical environment a charge emerges which creates a powerful electric feeling. Rasha Jay delivers a rock-infused comeback through “SAY” which brings back the listeners’ appreciation for her musical presence.

The New Jersey artist who had been absent from the music scene for three years delivers her comeback single which simultaneously knocks the door down. The song immediately creates its foundation through deep reverberating bass sounds as its main musical anchor. Guest drummer Huan Walker creates tempo-perfect beats that drive the song forward at blazing speed.

Rasha’s voice stands out through its delicate quality even while expressing intense emotion against the vigorous instrumental music. The song features a standout chorus where Rasha demonstrates her vast vocal capacity which stays with listeners after the track completes. Her genuine delivery of words makes you believe each word she says. Liza Light’s guitar performance stands out as a brilliant addition to the track. The hook played on guitar builds a trance that grips your brain and refuses to give it back. Rasha credits the collaborative environment as essential to making the track because it demonstrates their teamwork.

Rasha and her friend rushed to production during an emergency telephone conversation leading to the creation of “SAY” while the music embodies this urgency perfectly. The co-producers No New Lovers executed the production with a skilled touch to present an emotional core that remains authentic while reaching professional production standards. This release will satisfy every second of the 2022 fan wait time for fans who appreciated Rasha’s rock elements and heavy melodies. With “SAY” Rasha delivers a musical message that shows the impact of her absence during 2022.

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